
Easy ways to clean your vessels

Are you wondering how to clean your overcooked vessels? Here are some easy hacks to wash your utensils without much effort. The most common way is to dilute the Dish Wash Gel in hot water requires less amount of gel than you think. 

Let begin! 

Effective hacks to wash hard stains 

•Treat with hot water

Make your vessels shine brighter than before. First of all, remove the leftover food thoroughly and treat your vessels in hot water which helps to weaken the hard stains before scrubbing with gel. Now add 2 to 3 drops of dish wash gel to scrape away the stickiness in the vessel.

•Treating with lemon

Here comes a powerful cleaning hack to wash heavy burnt vessels. Scrub your vessels with a little amount of lemon juice and leave it overnight. The next day wash those soaked vessels by adding few drops of Dishwashing gel and eliminate the burnt stains.

•Remove stains using onion skin

To clean burnt stains from the stainless steel or cookware, pots of onion skin can cleanse the vessels thoroughly and make them look new. Fill the burnt vessel with water and drop 9 to 10 onion skins then put it on a stovetop in a high flame for around 5-10min. Now scrape off the stains using normal dishwashing gel from any kind of cookware.

Keep your vessels clean and your family healthy
It’s important to wash your vessels to keep your kitchen clean and neat. Use a dishwasher to save your time and effort which minimizes the breakage of vessels. Enhance a proper health and hygiene factor by spending at least an hour a day to clean your vessels. Keep your sink empty in the night for a healthy lifestyle.

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