glass wash

How to escape from germs?

Germs exist everywhere. You will find germs in your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and living room. To disinfect germs in your home, here are some of the vital measures to get rid of germs & infection.

Cleaning guidelines

Keep your home & surroundings clean

  • Your home is the largest breeding place for germs. Infections are short-lived in healthy bodies. When people at your home fall sick avoid close contact with them. Ask everyone at home to use a tissue when they cough or sneeze.
  • Wash your hands regularly before and after you go out.
  • Cover your hands with gloves and wear a face mask when you go out.
  • Sanitize your hands often especially when you are in public places.
  • Avoid sharing foods and drinks with your friends & family members.

Wash your bedsheets & pillow covers

  • Every day we spend more than 8hours laying on the bed which leaves a lot of dirt, sweat on your covers. It’s better to wash your pillowcases and bedcovers once a week.
  • By tossing your bedcovers in the machine can break out those allergens.
  • Washing your bed sheets & bedcovers can prevent you from allergens, breakout the germs from the fabrics, avoid skin issues.

Sanitize your kitchen frequently

  • Cleansing your kitchen appliances, vessels & sinks is an ideal way to remove germs on the kitchen surface.
  • Sanitize your kitchen surface with a mix of liquid detergent to maintain
    hygiene and cleanliness of the kitchen & food are being cooked.
  • Clean your kitchen slabs once a month to prevent contamination of dust
    & germs.
  • Use a few drops of lemon & rock salt with the vessel wash liquid for
    more good results.

Keep your bathrooms clean & germs free

  • The bathroom is the place where millions of bacteria lurk.
  • Wash your bathrooms twice a week which kills & declutters the disease-causing bacteria.
  • Soak your washroom floors with a powerful floor cleaner for 10-15min to loosen the germs and dirt easily, now scrub gently and make your work simpler.
  • The more we clean, the more we disconnect ourselves from germs.

Wipe your gadgets every day

  • The immortal factor is that your gadgets- such as mobile phones, computer, laptop, television remotes are the vast breeding area for germs.
  • Since you’re touching your mobiles constantly it’s essential to sanitize your hands before you have food.
  • Wipe the dust & stains in your gadgets gently with a dry, soft cloth to get rid of germs.

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